Wednesday, November 23, 2011

7: PMC GYM 23 Nov 2011

Today's special feature: GYMers were given a souvenir mug each to mark Seniors' Sunday if they did not already get one last Sunday.
During break there was laksa cooked by Pauline, as well as other snacks.
After break, there were the usual leisure activities for the GYMers to participate in.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

6: Seniors' Sunday

20 Nov 2011 being Seniors' Sunday at PMC, their GYM representatives sang a song "I don't know about tomorrow" to mark the occasion.
Here's a video of their song item >>>

Thursday, November 17, 2011

5: Quiz on Old Testament Stories

A quiz on Old Testament stories was conducted in the PMC GYM fellowship on 9 Nov 2011. Here's a video version of the quiz for you to attempt.
Click here >>>

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

4: PMC GYM 9 Nov 2011

The fellowship opened with a prayer led by Alfred Koh. Then Songs of YesterYears followed in which some GYMers took to the floor. Then it was time for Praise & Worship.

Today's highlight was a Quiz : "What's the story" based on OT text. Albert Ong was the quizmaster. To view a video of the quiz, go to Posting No 5 above.

GYMers enjoyed the snacks prepared for them. After the refreshment,they enjoyed leisure and relaxation activities.

Closing time was 6pm.