Wednesday, May 30, 2012

36: PMC GYM 30 May 12

The fellowship began with its usual song segment. Kenneth Tan on the keyboard led the guitarists in playing songs of yesteryears followed by worship songs.
Birthday greetings were extended to Grace and Amy whose birthdays fall during the week. Today's highlight was the PMC Heritage Quiz conducted by Albert Ong. GYMers who gave the correct answers were given a chocolate token.
After refreshments prepared by Pauline Ong, various leisure activities and board games were carried out.

Friday, May 25, 2012

35: CMC Songs of Yesteryears - 25 May 2012

Richard Toh opened the CMC Songs of Yesteryears fellowship with a prayer. Then a team of PMC GYMers took centre stage with Aloysius Tan leading them in their song presentation. Here's a sample of their songs.
There was a sermonette by Rev Hoi Kok Fu. He spoke on the virtue of being a disciplined Christian.
Albert Ong conducted a quiz on "Merrie Olde England" while Freddie Oh recited a few poems and read a few jokes to entertain the fellowship. Kenneth Tan encouraged the gathering to take to the floor to enjoy line dance. View video of the Quiz on Merrie Olde England
The day ended with a fellowship tea.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

34: PMC GYM 23 May 2012

As usual, GYMers were enjoying themselves after the break from the Singing segment.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

33: PMC GYM 16 May 12

Today's GYM session saw a new chess player in the making in a game AO vs Andrew Wee.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

32: PMC GYM 9 May 12

Today's GYM featured a comical dialogue between Telly and Jimmy, followed by birthday greetings to Johnny Chew who turns 86 this week.He gave a speech and sang "Chotto mate kudasai", his favourite song.
Two games were played with prizes for the winners.
After some announcements and prayer, refreshments were served with Devil curry cooked by Amy Wee, rice with lauk by Pauline and mango sambal by Tall Albert.The usual recreational activities were then carried out.