Wednesday, October 31, 2012

61: GYM - Wed 31 Oct 12

The GYM fellowship began with Praise Songs followed by the singing of "oldies but goodies". Aloysius Tan led the singing with Kenneth Tan, guest keyboardist from Christ MC, playing the music.

After refreshments comprising chicken curry cum bread and kuey kosui prepared by Pauline Ong, the GYMers proceeded to enjoy their usual leisure activities.

60: 2nd Practice of Peranakan Singers

The Peranakan Singers had their second song practice on Wed 31 Oct at 2pm in the Music Room.They were informed to prepare for 3 engagements to sing at the following events:

1: Christ MC Songs Of Yesteryears fellowship on 23 Nov
2: Combined GYM-Peranakan Christmas Party - 1 Dec
3: Persahabatan Peranakan-Indonesia Christmas Fellowship - 22 Dec.

The next practice will be on Wed 14 Nov in the Music Room.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

59: Lagu-lagu Natal Practice - 24 Oct 12

The 1st practice in preparation for the Combined GYM-Peranakan Christmas Party on 1 Dec saw the particpants learning to pronounce some of the more difficult words in the Indonesian lyrics guided by Abang Johnny.

Then Albert Ong played the following video for the group to sing the 3 lagu-lagu.

Click here to view the video.

(Above: The line-up).

Friday, October 19, 2012

58: CMC SOY 19 Oct 12

The fellowship began @ 2.30pm with Richard Toh as the MC and Kenneth Tan at the keyboard.

The highlight of the day was a sermon by Rev Hoi Kok Fu using a video to illustrate God's faithful provision and Man's forgetful gratitude.

Click here to view video of the event.

Many song items were rendered by eager and willing singers from the floor, frequently impromptu.

The entertaining song items had willing support from the attendees who took to the floor to show their delight in dancing.

All too soon the fellowship ended @ 5pm to be followed by a fellowship meal of fried mee and wallnut & suzi cake donated by well-wishers.

It was indeed a day of fun and laughter @ CMC SOY.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

57: PMC GYM - 17 Oct 12

The fellowship started at 3pm. After the praise songs and oldies were sung, birthday greetings were extended to Pauline Ong and Bak Chiang.The GYM chairman announced that tickets for the Combined GYM-Peranakan Christmas Party on 1 Dec are available from members of the GYM committee @ $12.00 each.

The highlight of the day was a sermon on gratitude delivered by Rev Lawrence.

Refreshments today were prepared by Pauline Ong and Tall Albert. After refreshments, the GYMers carried out their usual leisure activities till closing time at 6.30pm.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

56: PMC GYM 10 Oct 12

The fellowship began with the usual Praise segment followed by the singing of oldies. This was followed by refreshments of laksa and chin-chow prepared by Pauline Ong.

After refreshment time, a few GYMers enjoyed some line dancing, while a few others played draughts and chess .

The majority played rummy-0, a board game that is beneficial to the elderly as it gives the mind some exercise. A few others sat around sharing updates of their status. The fellowship dispersed at 6.30pm.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

55: PMC GYM - 3 Oct 12

The highlight of today's fellowship was a sermon from Dr Andrew Wee who spoke on the text: James 4:6, “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble."

After delicious snacks of longtong and glass jelly prepared by Pauline Ong at refreshment time, the GYMers enjoyed leisure activities such as line dancing led by Juli Ong, and played board games like Rummy-0, dum and chess.