Wednesday, December 14, 2011

9: PMC GYM Christmas Celebration - 14 Dec 2011

The Christmas Celebration was held at the Chapel. Rev Jimmy Wong said the opening prayer and Rev Chew Chin Nam delivered the Christmas message. Christmas songs by the Worship Team led by Alfred Koh enlivened the gathering.

It was a time of singing and party fun & games with Aloysius Tan as the MC.

Prizes galore greeted the winners of the games. The audience had a great time watching the line dancers led by Georgia Tan, participated in a Christmas Quiz with Albert Ong as the QuizMaster, watched William Lim host the Fashion Contest, and enjoyed the lively performance of the East Wind Band led by Albert Wong.

After Rev Vincent Goh said grace, a sumptuous buffet dinner concluded the function. Judging by the faces of the participants, everyone had a wonderful time, thanks to the GYM Planning Committee.

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