Wednesday, February 29, 2012

22: PMC GYM - 29 Feb 2012

Focus of today's GYM was singing in karaoke style with GYMers crooning their favourite evergreen songs. A surprise came when 2 Filipina maids sang the popular "Anak" accompanied by Kenneth on the keyboard.
After all the singing, there was chicken curry cooked by Charles Koh and other snacks for a fellowship tea. After the tea, the usual games were made available for the GYMers to participate in, in addition to the line dance and karaoke.

Friday, February 24, 2012

21: CMC SOY 24 Feb 2011

The Christ MC Songs of Yesteryear fellowship was held at Bedok MC. The theme for the day was "MY Valentine" so the focus was on "Love". Thus the songs that were sung were songs of love, selected by Kenneth Tan and played by him on the keyboard. Richard Toh mceed the event.

Among the highlights was a musical item played on a carpenter's saw. Albert Ong from Pentecost MC conducted a Bible Quiz on the theme of love with text/verses from the Bible.
Click here to view the Bible Quiz.

Many of the attendees sang solos impromtu while others took to the floor to dance to the songs played by the band.

Click here to view "A first time visitor sings 2 Cantonese songs".
Click here to view video of "Birthday Celebration"
The day concluded with a fellowship tea in the canteen.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

20: PMC GYM - 22 Feb 2012

The fellowship started promptly @ 2.30pm with the singing of evergreen songs. This was followed by songs of Praise & Worship. Aloysius Tan led in the prayer for God's help in healing and providing.

Following the song session, birthday greeting was extended to Telly Oon. Announcements for a Rummy-O Competition and a Hi-Tea @ Toa Payoh MC followed.
After Ps Chin Nam said grace, fried rice and other snacks were served. Before the fellowship ended, there was time for chit-chat, line dancing, karaoke, Rummy-O and chess till 6.30pm.

Monday, February 13, 2012

19: Coming soon: CMC SOY 24 Feb 12

In ten days' time, Christ Meth Church's "Songs of Yesteryears" fellowship will be on again, this time with the theme "Valentine". So do go and have a good fun time.
As usual, Kenneth Tan will be at the piano and Richard Toh will be up to his comical antics.There's even a sermonette by a CMC pastor for spiritual nourishment.
I have been invited to conduct a Bible Quiz. I shall do so on the theme of Love from the Bible.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

17: PMC GYM 8 Feb 12

The fellowship began with a prayer, followed by singing of evergreen songs which encouraged a few dancers to take to the floor.

The segment on Praise & Worship saw the GYMers holding hands to signify a bond of love as a praise song "Bond of Love" was being sung to music played by the band.
Then birthday greetings were extended to Jessica.
This was followed by a CNY Quiz conducted by Albert Ong.

After Johnny Chew said Grace, delicious snacks were served. Thanks to Pauline Ong who cooked the laksa, everyone had a good time. As usual, line dance, karaoke, rummy-o, dum & chess games added to the day's leisure activities.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

16: PMC GYM 1 Feb 2012

Today's GYM felllowship started with Songs of Praise & Worship followed by the singing of evergreen songs. Birthday greetings went to Andrew and Evelyn Wee whose birthday falls some time during the week.

The highlight of today's GYM was a sermon by Ps Chin Nam on "Five Marks of a Mature Christian".

After Ps Chin Nam's sharing, there was a time for refreshments and line dance as well as other recreational activities.