Friday, February 24, 2012

21: CMC SOY 24 Feb 2011

The Christ MC Songs of Yesteryear fellowship was held at Bedok MC. The theme for the day was "MY Valentine" so the focus was on "Love". Thus the songs that were sung were songs of love, selected by Kenneth Tan and played by him on the keyboard. Richard Toh mceed the event.

Among the highlights was a musical item played on a carpenter's saw. Albert Ong from Pentecost MC conducted a Bible Quiz on the theme of love with text/verses from the Bible.
Click here to view the Bible Quiz.

Many of the attendees sang solos impromtu while others took to the floor to dance to the songs played by the band.

Click here to view "A first time visitor sings 2 Cantonese songs".
Click here to view video of "Birthday Celebration"
The day concluded with a fellowship tea in the canteen.

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