Friday, March 30, 2012

27: CMC Songs of Yesteryears 30 Mar 2012

The theme for the day's enjoyment was "Italian Holiday" with music and songs to match. Ps Edmund de Souza's sermonette on "What you can learn from an Italian Holiday" hit the right chords, especially with Bible text to illustrate a point.

Guest singer was Ernesto who sang Dean Martin's oldies and imitated Elvis Presley and Louis Armstrong. He delighted the gathering with his delightful renditions.

Richard Toh added to the enjoyment with his jocular quips and Albert Wong sang nostalgic ballads that pleased everyone's listening appetite, with music from Kenneth Tan at the keyboard and Henry at the drums.

After much relaxing exercise in dancing and singing, the day ended all too soon with a fellowship meal in the canteen. All in all, it was a very enjoyable day for the seniors!

Next month, CMC SOY goes Hawaiian. So get there in your grass skirts and floral garlands. Aloha!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

26: PMC GYM 28 Mar 2012

GYM began @ 3.15pm with the singing of oldies followed by Praise & Worship.
Rev Jimmy Wong then gave a brief outline of the coming mission trip to Xiamen, China.

Charles gave details of the next trip to Penang & Hatyai. Birthday greetings were extended to Lee Fong Yuen and Michal Jee. Ps Chin Nam gave a prayer of exhortation. Albert Wong obliged with a song.

Then the Finals and 3rd/4th placing rounds of the Rummy-0 Competition were given due attention.

The play-offs were closely watched.

Ps Chin Nam gave away the prizes:

Parallel to the Rummy-0 Competition there was a time for singing and dancing.

As usual, there was time for refreshments. Snacks were prepared by Pauline Ong.

Earlier that afternoon, a group of GYMers of the Peranakan Easter Singers had a brief practice for their song item in next month's Easter Agape Fellowship.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

25: PMC GYM 21 Mar 2012

The GYM fellowship began @ 3pm, its new starting time because of the kindergarten. As usual, oldies and evergreen songs set the pace for the day, followed by Praise & Worship led by Aloysius Tan.
Important announcements regarding GYM forth-coming activities were publicized by various people in charge.

Dr Andrew Wee introduced the speaker for the day, Rev Michael Lim, who then shared his thoughts from 1 Tim 6 on the subject of Godliness. Rev Jimmy Wong said Grace & pronounced the benediction, after which fellowship tea was served with migoreng cooked by Charles Koh & other snacks.

Following refreshments, the inaugural Rummy-0 Competition was conducted for the seniors to participate. Evelyn Ong was the Convenor of the event, assisted by Charles Koh and Pauline Ong in the role of Referees, and Albert Ong in match administration.
Ps Chin Nam assisted in drawing the competitors' names so that the players could be emplaced at the 4 tables of play.

The competitors played the Elimination Round and the semi-final:

Here are the results of the day:

The Final Round to determine the Champion and the 3rd/4th Placings will be played next week.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

24: PMC GYM 14 Mar 2012

The fellowship started at 3pm today with the singing of oldies, followed by Praise & Worship.

Announcements of the various coming events were announced by Evelyn Ong (Rummy-O Competition), Shirley Wong (One-day Local trip) and Charles Koh (Toa Payoh MC Hi-T).

A Bible Quiz on Advice from the Bible was conducted by Albert Ong.
Click here to view a video version of the quiz.

Birthday greetings were extended to our Drummer, Dennis Wee, after which Johnny Chew said Grace. Refreshments of fried beehoon was cooked by Pauline Ong with dessert prepared by Charles Koh.

After refreshments the usual activities were carried out.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

23: PMC GYM - 7 Mar 2012

The highlight of today's GYM fellowship was a sermon delivered by Ps Chan Siew Chye who spoke from James 1. He emphasized on 3 aspects: Divine purpose, Prayer for Wisdom & Perseverance.

At refreshment time, there was hokkien noodles cooked by Pauline Ong as well as other snacks to the GYMers' delight.

Then there was the usual segment for board games and karaoke. Many GYMers were seen practising for the Rummy-O competition which will be held in the middle of the month. There was line dancing too, led by Georgia Tan.