Wednesday, March 14, 2012

24: PMC GYM 14 Mar 2012

The fellowship started at 3pm today with the singing of oldies, followed by Praise & Worship.

Announcements of the various coming events were announced by Evelyn Ong (Rummy-O Competition), Shirley Wong (One-day Local trip) and Charles Koh (Toa Payoh MC Hi-T).

A Bible Quiz on Advice from the Bible was conducted by Albert Ong.
Click here to view a video version of the quiz.

Birthday greetings were extended to our Drummer, Dennis Wee, after which Johnny Chew said Grace. Refreshments of fried beehoon was cooked by Pauline Ong with dessert prepared by Charles Koh.

After refreshments the usual activities were carried out.

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