Wednesday, April 11, 2012

29: PMC GYM Easter Celebration 11 Apr 12

Rev Jimmy Wong opened the celebration with a prayer. Then Aloysius Tan led the GYMers in song and dance.

Before the Praise & Worship segment, there was singing of evergreen songs and dancing. Line dancers led by Georgia Tan took to the floor to demonstrate their skills.

There was an Easter Bible Quiz conducted by Quizmaster Albert Ong.
Here's a video version of the quiz for you to try.

A games session ensued, followed by an Albert Wong solo. Then the Peranakan Easter Singers sang a medley of 3 songs:"As the deer", "Seperti rusa" and "Chin chia ho" to the delight of the fellowship.

Daniel Tan gave a touching testimony of God's Grace.
The celebration ended with a fellowship dinner.

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