Friday, September 28, 2012

54: PMC GYM 1-day Local Trip - Fri 28 Sep 12

At 8.30 am, 2 bus loads of GYMers and friends went on a 1-day local trip.

Their first destination was Gardens by the Bay where they enjoyed walking in the morning sun.

They then went to Hougang where they visited 2 food manufacturing outlets.

At "My Genie Gourmet" the management demonstrated how curry puffs and soon kueh were made.

At Lee Wee & Bros Foodstuff PL there were delicious otah to be bought.

Then they had lunch @ AMK Ave 10.

Refreshed by the lunch, they proceeded to a frozen fish outlet in Jurong.

The final stop was Gardenia Bread where they were treated to different types of bread.

The trip ended at around 4.15pm when they returned to PMC.

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