Wednesday, November 7, 2012

63: PMC GYM 7 Nov 12

After the usual segment of praise songs, followed by oldies, came the highlight of the day - a sharing by Mrs Estella Lee, our PMC Family Counsellor, on the topic: "The prayer of a righteous person". She drew vivid examples from the Bible, with text: 1 Kings 17:1, James 5:17, Isa 54:6, Rom 3:10 and James 5:13-16. She concluded her sharing by getting the GYMers to form a chain, holding hands together, and led the group in prayer. What an inspiration to know that we are made righteous by the blood of Jesus who shed his blood to cleanse us from our sins.

After refreshment of hokkien mee cooked by Pauline Ong, the GYMers proceeded to enjoy their regular board games. A number of them joined the line dancers led by Juli Ong.The session ended at 6.30pm.

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