Wednesday, December 19, 2012

69: PMC GYM Appreciation lunch 20 Dec 12

Thirty GYMers and friends attended an Appreciation Lunch @ the Ban Heng Rest. in Aranda Country Club. Among the attendees were 3 PMC office staff members. Charles Koh and Evelyn & Andrew Wee were unable to make it as they had a previous engagement. Everyone agreed that it was indeed a very sumptuous lunch and that they had enjoyed themselves.

Friday, December 14, 2012

67: Kueh Pie-tee Fellowship - 14 Dec 12

Some 20 GYMers and friends had a "Kueh Pie-tee Fellowship" in the home of Constance and George Wee. George, a wonderful cook to have as a friend, single-handedly prepared and cooked the kueh pie-tee, meesiam and nonya chang for the occasion.
Then there was a singalong session of vintage songs. The attendees enjoyed themselves singing the oldies. To view the video of the fellowship, click here.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

66: PMC GYM - 12 Dec 12

There was no sharing or sermon today, just singing oldies and praise songs. After refreshment time of chicken curry and bread prepared by Pauline Ong, line dancing resumed with Georgia Tan returning to teach the steps. The other GYMers played board games like rummy-0 and chess.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

65: PMC GYM - 21 Nov 12

The GYM fellowship began with the singing of oldies. A few GYMers took to the floor to the beat from the band. Praise songs followed.

The sermon of the day was delivered by Dr Andrew Wee with text from James 5.

Then Johnny Chew announced that a Batam church has invited the seniors and the Peranakan to celebrate Christmas with them on Mon 3 Dec. Those who are interested are to give their names to Charles Koh. After refreshments of laksa cooked by Pauline Ong, the seniors played board games. The line dancers also had their practice. The fellowship ended at 6.30pm.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

64: PMC GYM - 14 Nov 12

The GYM fellowship commenced @ 3pm with Aloysius Tan leading, first in the singing of evergreen songs and then praise & worship songs.

Music came from Patricia Chew on the keyboard, Michael Jee on the guitar and Josephine playing the drums.

Rev Jimmy Wong made an announcement regarding an invitation from DS Rev Bahtiar Sinaga of Batam invitng us to celebrate Christmas with them on Dec 3. Those interested to go are requested to sign up with Johnny Chew.

After the announcement and birthday greetings, Albert Ong conducted a Bible Quiz on "Songs from the Bible" with the theme: "Sunday School Days".

To view a video of the quiz, click here.

After the quiz, it was time for refreshments prepared by Pauline Ong.

After refreshments, there was a line dance practice for the Combined Christmas party, and the usual board games.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

63: PMC GYM 7 Nov 12

After the usual segment of praise songs, followed by oldies, came the highlight of the day - a sharing by Mrs Estella Lee, our PMC Family Counsellor, on the topic: "The prayer of a righteous person". She drew vivid examples from the Bible, with text: 1 Kings 17:1, James 5:17, Isa 54:6, Rom 3:10 and James 5:13-16. She concluded her sharing by getting the GYMers to form a chain, holding hands together, and led the group in prayer. What an inspiration to know that we are made righteous by the blood of Jesus who shed his blood to cleanse us from our sins.

After refreshment of hokkien mee cooked by Pauline Ong, the GYMers proceeded to enjoy their regular board games. A number of them joined the line dancers led by Juli Ong.The session ended at 6.30pm.

62: Testing Video & PPT for next week's GYM

To prepare for next week's Peranakan Singers' 3rd practice, Albert tested the new video that he created for the occasion. It ran without any problem.

The next task was to run the PPT for next week's Bible Quiz on Songs from the Bible. The embedded music accompanying the text on the PPT performed according to desired expectation.

Albert can now rest assured that the software and hardware will not give him a problem next week as it has done before.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

61: GYM - Wed 31 Oct 12

The GYM fellowship began with Praise Songs followed by the singing of "oldies but goodies". Aloysius Tan led the singing with Kenneth Tan, guest keyboardist from Christ MC, playing the music.

After refreshments comprising chicken curry cum bread and kuey kosui prepared by Pauline Ong, the GYMers proceeded to enjoy their usual leisure activities.

60: 2nd Practice of Peranakan Singers

The Peranakan Singers had their second song practice on Wed 31 Oct at 2pm in the Music Room.They were informed to prepare for 3 engagements to sing at the following events:

1: Christ MC Songs Of Yesteryears fellowship on 23 Nov
2: Combined GYM-Peranakan Christmas Party - 1 Dec
3: Persahabatan Peranakan-Indonesia Christmas Fellowship - 22 Dec.

The next practice will be on Wed 14 Nov in the Music Room.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

59: Lagu-lagu Natal Practice - 24 Oct 12

The 1st practice in preparation for the Combined GYM-Peranakan Christmas Party on 1 Dec saw the particpants learning to pronounce some of the more difficult words in the Indonesian lyrics guided by Abang Johnny.

Then Albert Ong played the following video for the group to sing the 3 lagu-lagu.

Click here to view the video.

(Above: The line-up).

Friday, October 19, 2012

58: CMC SOY 19 Oct 12

The fellowship began @ 2.30pm with Richard Toh as the MC and Kenneth Tan at the keyboard.

The highlight of the day was a sermon by Rev Hoi Kok Fu using a video to illustrate God's faithful provision and Man's forgetful gratitude.

Click here to view video of the event.

Many song items were rendered by eager and willing singers from the floor, frequently impromptu.

The entertaining song items had willing support from the attendees who took to the floor to show their delight in dancing.

All too soon the fellowship ended @ 5pm to be followed by a fellowship meal of fried mee and wallnut & suzi cake donated by well-wishers.

It was indeed a day of fun and laughter @ CMC SOY.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

57: PMC GYM - 17 Oct 12

The fellowship started at 3pm. After the praise songs and oldies were sung, birthday greetings were extended to Pauline Ong and Bak Chiang.The GYM chairman announced that tickets for the Combined GYM-Peranakan Christmas Party on 1 Dec are available from members of the GYM committee @ $12.00 each.

The highlight of the day was a sermon on gratitude delivered by Rev Lawrence.

Refreshments today were prepared by Pauline Ong and Tall Albert. After refreshments, the GYMers carried out their usual leisure activities till closing time at 6.30pm.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

56: PMC GYM 10 Oct 12

The fellowship began with the usual Praise segment followed by the singing of oldies. This was followed by refreshments of laksa and chin-chow prepared by Pauline Ong.

After refreshment time, a few GYMers enjoyed some line dancing, while a few others played draughts and chess .

The majority played rummy-0, a board game that is beneficial to the elderly as it gives the mind some exercise. A few others sat around sharing updates of their status. The fellowship dispersed at 6.30pm.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

55: PMC GYM - 3 Oct 12

The highlight of today's fellowship was a sermon from Dr Andrew Wee who spoke on the text: James 4:6, “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble."

After delicious snacks of longtong and glass jelly prepared by Pauline Ong at refreshment time, the GYMers enjoyed leisure activities such as line dancing led by Juli Ong, and played board games like Rummy-0, dum and chess.

Friday, September 28, 2012

54: PMC GYM 1-day Local Trip - Fri 28 Sep 12

At 8.30 am, 2 bus loads of GYMers and friends went on a 1-day local trip.

Their first destination was Gardens by the Bay where they enjoyed walking in the morning sun.

They then went to Hougang where they visited 2 food manufacturing outlets.

At "My Genie Gourmet" the management demonstrated how curry puffs and soon kueh were made.

At Lee Wee & Bros Foodstuff PL there were delicious otah to be bought.

Then they had lunch @ AMK Ave 10.

Refreshed by the lunch, they proceeded to a frozen fish outlet in Jurong.

The final stop was Gardenia Bread where they were treated to different types of bread.

The trip ended at around 4.15pm when they returned to PMC.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

53: PMC GYM 19 Sep 12

I arrived late as my car could not start and I had to request AA for help. Thus I missed the main part of the fellowship which included a talk by PMC Family Counsellor Mrs Estella Lee. Having arrived at 5.15pm, I could only observe the following activities: line dance led by Juli Ong, and board games in session.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

52: Coming soon @ CMC SOY

51: PMC GYM 12 Sep 12

The speaker for the day was Elder Jeffrey Goh from Bethesda Bedok Tampines Church. He spoke on how problems can be an instrument of God's nurturing capacity.

Refreshment snacks of delicious fried beehoon and goh hiang were prepared by Pauline Ong.

After refreshment time, the GYMers enjoyed singing and playing board games.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

50: PMC GYM - 5 Sep 12

About 50 GYMers turned up for this event. The highlight of the fellowship was a sermon delivered by Dr Andrew Wee. He spoke on the topic: "Submit Yourself to God", based on the Bible text: James 4:1-12.
After the sermon, it was time for refreshments with fried rice cooked by Pauline Ong. As usual, after refreshment time, the GYMers enyoyed playing rummy-o and chess while some others karaoke singing.

Friday, August 31, 2012

49: CMC Songs of Yesteryears - Fri 31 Aug 12

The CMC Songs of Yesteryears fellowship was well-attended. As the theme was "ASEAN Melodies" the attendees came dressed appropriately in sarong kebaya, batik, barong and other ethnic dressing. It was a time of fun and laughter, singing and dancing. Richard Toh was the MC at large, with Kenneth Tan on the keyboard and Martin on the drums. Albert Wong was the lead singer.
The highlight of the day was a sermon by Rev Lim Jeng Huat, Pastor in charge of CMC based on the Parable of the Talents. He shared how we can get an idea of what God expects us to do here on earth. We're all given talents, some great and some small--but whether our talent is epic or miniscule, we glorify God when we use it to further his kingdom.
There was an atmosphere of informality and good will as many of the song and dance items came from volunteers, on the spot and without rehearsal. Nevertheless, they were very enjoyable items indeed, and everyone appreciated the effort made.
The event concluded with delicious rochor mee, walnut cake and lemonade.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

48: PMC GYM - 29 Aug 12

About 40 GYMers turned up today, the dwindling number being due to the absence of the line dancers and the volunteer instructor Georgia Tan. Aloysius Tan led the praise & worship with Kenneth Tan from CMC on the keyboard.
Today's refreshment was delicious meesiam prepared by Pauline Ong. After the refreshment, activities like rummy-0 and chess were carried out. There was an attempt by a few GYMers to do the line dance but it didn't take off. The GYMers dispersed @ 6.30pm.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

47: PMC GYM 22 Aug 12

The turnout was poor this afternoon. As Georgia and her line dancers were absent today, the gathering has noticeably shrunk. After Refreshment time following the song segment, the GYMers carried on with their usual leisure activities minus line dancing.