Wednesday, July 4, 2012

41: PMC GYM 4 Jul 12

The fellowship began with Worship & Praise songs followed by Oldies and a Cantonese song by Kathy & Mrs Yap, and solos by Michael Jee and Dennis Wee. However, the MC allowed the song segment to over run its time.
As the time alloted for the sermon was shortened because of the MC's oversight, Dr Andrew Wee, the scheduled speaker for the day, had to compress his delivery into a 10-minute sermonette. But Andrew did a sterling job of bringing the message "Taming the tongue" through. His wife, Evelyn, read the text from James.
Refreshments for the day was prepared by Charles Koh who cooked Curry Chicken, and Juli Ong who cooked tandoori chicken for the enjoyment of the GYMers.
To conclude the day's fellowship, the GYMers enjoyed their fun activities.
The pastors were not around as they are involved in a 3-day retreat for PMC staff @ Thailand.

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