Wednesday, July 18, 2012

42: PMC GYM 18 Jul 12

Today's highlight was a sermon by Ps Lawrence Khoo. He spoke on "Make your joy complete" through being humble as Christ was humble. Ref: Phi 2: 1-12.
The GYMers listened in rapt attention as Ps Lawrence spoke. When Ps Chin Nam asked if they would like to hear Ps Lawrence again, the GYMers unanimously nodded their approval.
After refreshments were served, the usual leisure activities were carried out until closing time at 6.30pm.

A special visitor attended GYM today in the person of Michelle Tan from Christ MC. She has been living in China for more than 2 decades, and is fluent in speaking & singing in Mandarin. (Michelle is in pink kebaya above, posing with 3 GYMers).

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